Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), in Australia referred to as A-REITs, are a way to gain exposure to property investments without needing to buy and manage the physical property.
A-REITs are companies that own and manage property on behalf of shareholders. They may own assets such as commercial buildings, shopping malls, industrial properties and warehouses.
The main reasons investors hold REITs include capital gains, dividend income, diversification, and professional management of the underlying property portfolio.
Trade size | $1,000 | $5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | Over $20,000 |
Brokerage | $9.95 | $14.95 | $19.95 | $19.95 | 0.11% of trade value |
A-REITs can offer investors a source of regular income through distributions.
The minimum initial investment required for an A-REIT is $500.
Investing in A-REITs can provide more diversification than if you were to own property directly as they tend to invest in multiple property assets.
The value of the units may go up in line with the sharemarket or for reasons specific to that trust.
An A-REIT’s distributions may be reduced or not paid due to the underperformance of the underlying property.
If a substantial value of an A-REIT’s assets are based in one building, suburb, city or state, you may be exposed to greater risk.
Where an A-REIT uses substantial debt to fund the construction or acquisition of new property, the trust may be exposed to leverage risk.
The value of the units may go down in line with the sharemarket or for reasons specific to that trust.
There are two ways to fund your investment: