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How do ETFs compare to other products

Comparing ETFs to other investment products

Learn how ETFs compare to other investment products.



ETFBondsSharesTraditional Managed Fund
Diversification of investment within the asset classBasket of securities (generally high)Individual securities (generally low)Individual securities (generally low)Depends on different funds - Basket of securities
PricingContinuous on exchange intra-day pricingNo centralised exchange or trade historyContinuous on exchange intra-day pricingDaily quote after market close
LiquidityComparatively HigherVariesVariesVaries between daily, monthly and quarterly
Management FeesTypically less than traditional managed fundsN/AN/AActive funds generally incur higher management costs
AccessibilityHighLow for many bondsHighVaries depending on fund
Limit orderYesNoYesNo


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