Some functionality will be unavailable between 05:00 and 12:00 on Sunday 26 of January for scheduled maintenance.

Express your interest in the NAB Wholesale Investor Register by completing your details below.

Once we have this, we will call you at your convenience to discuss your application.

Thank you for expressing an interest in joining the wholesale investor register

A representative from the team will contact you at your preferred time.

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Wholesale Investor Qualification

To qualify for the Wholesale Investor Register, you must meet the wholesale client criteria as per the Corporations Act. Please select one of the criteria below which you meet:


It’s important to take the time to understand the qualifications for wholesale clients as these products are not suitable for retail clients. By submitting this form, you agree that nabtrade can contact you with regards to your interest in joining NAB’s Wholesale Investor Register. Registering your interest in the Wholesale Investor Register will not change your current Marketing Communications preferences (set up within the nabtrade logged in site).

Professional Investor - I have or control gross assets of at least A$10 million (Self-Certification)

Sophisticated Investor - I have net assets of at least A$2.5 million (Accountant’s Certificate required)

Sophisticated Investor - I have a gross income of at least A$250,000 p.a. for the last two financial years (Accountant’s Certificate required)

Preferred call back time and date:

Please allow 2 business days for us to contact you if you are specifying a preferred call back time. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (AEST).

How your personal information is used

We collect your personal information when you fill out this application. If you do not finish the application today we may call you within the next 14 days to see if you need help. Once you’ve picked the products that you want, we’ll give you some more information on how your personal information will be handled. See also NAB’s privacy notification.