To make the end of the financial year (EOFY) a little easier, we’ve prepared a checklist of information you can obtain via nabtrade to help with your tax return preparations.
You’ll need to log into nabtrade to complete the actions below unless noted otherwise.
To avoid any delays in retrieving your information at tax time, please ensure that your personal details are up to date and that you can log into nabtrade.
If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by:
Tip: If you created your nabtrade account as an existing NAB banking customer, your nabtrade User ID will be printed above the magnetic strip on the back of your existing NAB debit/credit cards.
To help you work out capital gains and losses, you can obtain a quick snapshot of your buys and sells by:
You will see a list of all your trade activity for the account over the selected period.
Tip: Download all transactions in a single excel file by selecting ‘Download’ next to the green arrow. You can also view details of each confirmation in PDF or HTML format by clicking on the icons to right of the table for every transaction listed.
Note: You will need to repeat this process for each trading account you have.
Cash statements are generated automatically for all nabtrade cash and high interest accounts. This statement will show your interest earned, account balance summaries and transaction activity during the 2017 financial year for both the Cash and High Interest Account.
Cash statements are generated half-yearly by default. You can download your previous cash statements by logging into nabtrade and:
Note: Your Cash Account and High Interest Account statement are one and the same. All High Interest Account transactions will be within the linked Cash Account statement.
Share registries are responsible for maintaining dividend records for individual companies as well as listed investment companies and exchange-traded funds. Please refer to your dividend statements for distributions and franking credits you may have received.
If you don’t have physical copies of your dividend statements these can often be found online through the relevant share registry website.
You can enter your TFN number at any time by logging into nabtrade and then:
Tip: Don’t have or can’t remember your TFN? Please visit the Australian Taxation Office TFN application or enquiry page.
A Portfolio Holdings Report provides a historical view of your portfolio including ASX-listed holdings, cost base, market value and gain/loss for a specific date (e.g. 30 June 2017).
A Total Wealth Snapshot provides a historical overview of your total wealth including your wealth breakdown, value of ASX-listed holdings and cash account balances for a specific date (e.g. 30 June 2017).
Both can be accessed by logging into nabtrade and then:
Note: If you have international holdings please contact us for an EOFY summary.
Want to receive confirmation notes across multiple email addresses? You can do this by:
We hope you found these tips useful. For more valuable information about using nabtrade please visit our FAQs page.