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Trade for housing, for hope, for her.

On 31 October 2023 we partnered with Good Shepherd to help create affordable housing for women on nabtrade Charity Trading Day.

On Charity Trading Day 2023 we raised $230,000. Thank you for all your support.

Watch the highlights from the day

Supporting better affordable housing projects

Tuesday, 31 October 2023 was our 7th annual Charity Trading Day, in partnership with the ASX. Our donation from the day supported Good Shepherd to deliver approximately 40 new affordable homes.

For each trade executed on 31 October 2023, nabtrade donated 80% of our brokerage fees to Good Shepherd’s Marrickville Affordable Housing Project – housing for migrant women aged 55 and over and their families in Sydney’s inner west. 

As part of our role as principal sponsors in the ASX Annual Markets Day for Charity, with our partners at the ASX, we contributed the remaining 20% to the wide range of Australia-based charities supported by the proceeds from the day.  

To date, nabtrade Charity Trading Day has raised over $1.730 million to support a variety of charitable causes across Australia. 

charity day savings

The power of partnership

Hannah Oakhill (Executive of Self-Directed Wealth), Adrian Hanley (Executive Investment Platforms at NAB), and Stella Avramopoulos (CEO of Good Shepherd), discuss the important role nabtrade Charity Trading Day plays in addressing the issue of affordable housing, and what makes the partnership between NAB and Good Shepherd so special.


Supporting women experiencing vulnerability 

A project underway in Marrickville, NSW, seeks to rethink affordable housing from the ground up. It is the result of a global examination of affordable housing solutions undertaken by leading women’s support charity Good Shepherd – in partnership with RMIT University with philanthropic funding from the Siddle Family Foundation.

Due for completion in mid-2026, the $40 million housing development will provide approximately 40 dwellings for women aged over 55. It is being co-designed with women of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who have experienced homelessness or housing vulnerability. 

  • Women aged 55 and over are one of the fastest growing cohorts of people experiencing homelessness in Australia (ABS, 2016 Census).
  • The project is planned as a zero-energy build that, together with smart systems and appliances, will dramatically reduce the costs of living for residents.
  • Good Shepherd is bringing together its clients, community, government and corporate partners to shift patterns of disadvantage and achieve bold system change.

Learn more from Good Shepherd

The Marrickville affordable Housing Project is helping with:

charity day savings

20 years of NAB and Good Shepherd

This year, NAB will celebrate 20 years of partnership with leading women’s support charity Good Shepherd.


NAB and Good Shepherd  have been working together since 2003 to help Australians manage their money better and serve those at risk of exclusion from mainstream banking services. The partnership began through NAB’s support of microfinance initiatives supporting people on low incomes – mainly the No Interest Loans (NILs) program.

Photos from the day

Charity Trading Day 2023

Photos by Sarah Chavdaroska
nabtrade 2023.
Photo Jeremy Piper
Charity Trading Day 2023

Photos by Sarah Chavdaroska
Charity Trading Day 2023

Photos by Sarah Chavdaroska
Charity Trading Day 2023

Photos by Sarah Chavdaroska

Creating better tomorrows since 2017

Investing is all about taking actions today which create a better tomorrow. Since 2017, nabtrade has focused on making a real difference to the future of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities by donating our day's brokerage on Charity Trading Day. Over the years, we're proud to have raised over $1.730 million for charities and organisations to make a real difference in our communities.    

charity logos

Supporting financial futures

In 2022 we raised funds for the First Nations Foundation - helping to provide education to support the financial literacy of Indigenous communities.

Access for all

In 2021 we support UNICEF's Give the World a Shot campaign delivering COVID-19 vaccines around the world.

Strong minds in rural Australia

In 2020 we supported Rural Aid's Young Minds program which helps improve mental wellness for rural youth.

Bales for the bush

In 2019 we supported the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners to deliver much needed hay to drought affected farmers around Australia.

Keeping kids safe

In 2018 we partnered with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation whose mission was to protect children from violence.

Where it all began

Our first charity partner in 2017 was The Luke Batty Foundation whose mission was to end family violence. 

Important Information

On 31 October 2023 nabtrade will donate all brokerage earned from retail online and telephone trades to Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand and the ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation. 80% will be donated to Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand and the remaining 20% donated to the ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation. This includes retail brokerage for domestic and international trades which are executed between market open at 10:00am and market close at 4:11pm AEDT. Orders which are placed during such time that fail to execute will not incur brokerage, and therefore no brokerage donation will be made. Brokerage donations made by NAB will exclude GST.

The nabtrade service (nabtrade) is the information, trading and settlement service provided by WealthHub Securities. WealthHub Securities is a Market Participant under the ASIC Market Integrity Rules and a wholly owned subsidiary of National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL No. 230686 (NAB). NAB doesn’t guarantee its subsidiaries’ obligations or performance, or the products or services its subsidiaries offer. WealthHub Securities is not an authorised deposit-taking institution, and its obligations do not represent deposits or liabilities of NAB and you are subject to investment risk, including loss of principal invested.